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VSK Humanita Praha is a cross country skiing club functioning under the wings of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts of the Charles University in Prague. The club is open to the students of other faculties and schools and other enthusiastic athletes. There are about 30 active members who practise mainly cross country skiing but also other complementary sports.

The coach, Eva Šeflová, is also a Sport Instructor of the faculty. Thanks to her rich racing and training experience, she is able to help the club members to improve their skiing technique and performance.

Humanita members regularly take part in University League competitions, other traditional Czech long-distance races (Jizerská 50, Krkonošská 70, Orlický marathon etc.) and some .... also in foreign races such as the famous Vasaloppet.

The last stage of Czech University League called ‘Memoriál’ is organised by Humanita every year in the end of March. The integral part of these races is a thematic evening party in costumes which is very popular not only among the members of Humanita.

Summer preparation usually consists of cycling, running, swimming, orienteering sports, ball games, rock climbing etc. There is a week summer training camp in Albeř (South Bohemia) every year in August. During semesters, you can use training facilities in Charles University Sport Centre in Hostivař every Thursday from 5pm. There is a fitness centre, gym, swimming pool, and sauna. The most important part of pre-season preparation is a training camp in Mísečky (Krkonoše Mountains), which is held every year at the turn of November and December. It is crucial for learning the right skiing technique.

We are looking forward for new members interested in this beautiful winter sport, who want to find new friends and enjoy not only sweat, but also a lot of fun.
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Počet přístupů: 371749 © JP